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We are Bare Skin Beauty.

enhance the truth of your beauty


About The Brand

Beauty is in the way you hold yourself. it’s how you treat people. How you treat yourself. The way you love. it’s self acceptance. beauty is found in your growth and soul.


The butterfly is the symbol of metamorphosis and transformation. The symbol of new life, letting go of old cycles and finding your true inner expression. The Butterfly calls you to expand your awareness, spread your wings and call forth your inner joy. Let go of limitations, and free yourself to express your own beauty within. It is the time of spiritual transformations. Symbolic of moving from one phase of life to the next reaching higher, reaching outward, leaving safety of the cocoon and finding your own place among the flowers of life. Allowing the wind to carry you forward to your goals and dreams. A time of self-discovery rebirth.


The Bare Skin Story


My love for skincare started to blossom when I was a young girl. I grew up with my grandmother for a portion of my life and she taught me the importance of skincare. It was always something she was very passionate about. She taught me the basics of how important daily steaming is, cleansing your skin, exfoliating, and applying natural oils that feed and nourish our skin. She would always make sure the sunscreen was sitting right next to my toothbrush, as a reminder to incorporate it into my daily regimen.

I am so grateful that she instilled in me the importance of a good skincare regimen. I did not know it then, but the above teachings from my grandmother were the very foundation of what I would grow to love and be passionate about in adulthood. I am beyond excited and grateful that I have had the opportunity to turn this passion and dream of mine into my career.

It truly feeds my soul knowing that I can help someone feel just a little more refreshed and recharged in this fast-paced world that we live in. Knowing that my clients will go home feeling relaxed and confident with that beautiful glow, all while utilizing ingredients that are natural and pure, is such a satisfying and humbling feeling. As a society, we are exposed to so many harmful toxins on a daily basis. While it may be a small impact, I have chosen organic skincare to make a difference in the lives of my clients and the carbon footprint we leave behind.

I have seen astonishing and beautiful results with using organic ingredients, not to mention making a difference for our planet. I love the fact that I’m not supporting animal testing and that all of my treatments are safe for pregnancy, cancer survivors, those who suffer from allergies/sensitivities, and individuals with immune disorders. I understand that we cannot be fully organic with everything that we do in life, but why not make impactful changes where it counts?

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